Teeth Whitening

Brighten Your Smile with Professional Teeth Whitening

Unlock the secret to a dazzling smile with Luxurious New Skin Studio's professional Teeth Whitening service. Our advanced whitening system is designed to deliver remarkable results, brightening your teeth up to 10 shades in just one 45-minute session.

Safe, effective, and tailored to minimize sensitivity, our treatment ensures a lasting transformation that will boost your confidence and illuminate your appearance. Entrust your smile to our experts and experience the magic of a brighter, whiter smile without the wait. Let us help you shine with every grin.

a woman is sitting in a chair while a woman holds a model of teeth .

Advanced Teeth Whitening Solutions: Unlock a Radiant Smile

At Luxurious New Skin Studio, we take pride in offering an advanced teeth whitening system that stands out for its efficacy, safety, and unparalleled results. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, our system is engineered to deliver a noticeably brighter smile, removing up to 10 shades of discoloration in just one session. Unlike traditional methods, our approach minimizes tooth sensitivity, ensuring a comfortable experience throughout the process. 

Choosing professional teeth whitening at our studio means opting for a solution that provides longer-lasting results compared to over-the-counter kits. Under the careful supervision of our experts, treatments are customized to your specific needs, targeting both surface and deep-embedded stains caused by smoking, coffee, wine, tea, and various sauces. This professional oversight not only guarantees optimal outcomes but also ensures the health and safety of your teeth during and after the treatment.

Our advanced system is more than just a whitening service; it's a commitment to restoring confidence in your smile. With Luxurious New Skin Studio, you can expect a transformative experience that leaves your teeth brilliantly white, enhancing your overall appearance and boosting your self-esteem. Embrace the power of a radiant smile today.

From Consultation to Care: Your Teeth Whitening Journey

Embark on a transformative journey with Luxurious New Skin Studio, where achieving a dazzlingly white smile is a comfortable and straightforward experience. Our comprehensive approach ensures not only immediate results but also guidance on maintaining your new, radiant smile long after you leave our studio. Let's walk through what you can expect during and after your teeth whitening session with us.

  • Personalized Consultation

    Every bright smile begins with a personalized consultation. Our experts assess your dental history and discuss your whitening goals to tailor the treatment to your specific needs, ensuring optimal outcomes.

  • The Treatment

    Relax in the comfort of our studio as our state-of-the-art whitening system works its magic. In just one 45-minute session, your teeth can become up to 10 shades whiter. We emphasize your comfort throughout, ensuring a pleasant experience with remarkable results.

  • After the Treatment

    Post-treatment, we provide detailed instructions to care for your newly whitened teeth in the initial hours. This includes avoiding substances that could stain your teeth, such as coffee, red wine, and tobacco, to maximize the treatment's effectiveness.

  • Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

    To ensure the longevity of your teeth whitening results, we offer advice on daily oral hygiene practices and dietary recommendations. Incorporating these tips into your routine will help extend the radiance of your smile.

  • Follow-Up Care

    While the results are long-lasting, they're not permanent. We'll advise on when to consider booking your next whitening session, keeping your smile bright and beautiful for years to come.

a woman is getting her teeth whitened in a dental office .

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating the path to a brighter smile is an exciting journey, and it's natural to have questions along the way. At Luxurious New Skin Studio, we're dedicated to providing you with all the information you need to feel confident and informed about our teeth whitening services. Below, find answers to some of the most common questions our clients ask, designed to help you understand more about what to expect and how to achieve the best possible results.

  • How does professional teeth whitening at Luxurious New Skin Studio compare to over-the-counter options?

    Professional teeth whitening at Luxurious New Skin Studio offers several advantages over over-the-counter products. Firstly, our treatments are performed by experienced professionals using advanced technology, ensuring both safety and efficacy. The concentration of whitening agents in professional treatments is higher than what is available in store-bought kits, allowing for more significant results in a shorter amount of time. Additionally, our team customizes the treatment to your specific needs, taking into account factors like tooth sensitivity and the degree of staining, which over-the-counter options cannot provide. This tailored approach, combined with professional supervision, maximizes the effectiveness of the treatment while minimizing potential risks, leading to a brighter, more consistent smile.

  • Will teeth whitening cause sensitivity?

    While teeth sensitivity following a whitening treatment is a concern for many, Luxurious New Skin Studio utilizes an advanced system designed to minimize discomfort. Our whitening process includes protective measures and the use of specially formulated gels that reduce the likelihood of sensitivity. It's not uncommon to experience some mild sensitivity immediately after the treatment; however, this typically subsides within a few days. Our team provides personalized aftercare instructions to help manage any discomfort and ensure a smooth, comfortable recovery. If you have a history of sensitive teeth, be sure to discuss this with us during your consultation so we can adjust your treatment plan accordingly.

  • How long will my teeth whitening results last?

    The longevity of your teeth whitening results can vary based on individual lifestyle choices and oral hygiene practices. On average, the effects of our professional whitening treatment can last anywhere from 6 to 12 months, sometimes even longer with proper care. To extend the duration of your bright smile, we recommend avoiding staining agents such as coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco. Additionally, maintaining a diligent oral hygiene routine, including regular brushing and flossing, along with periodic touch-up treatments at Luxurious New Skin Studio, will help keep your smile sparkling. Our team is happy to provide personalized advice on maintaining your results during your consultation and follow-up appointments.

  • For teeth whitening services, where is Luxurious New Skin Studio situated?

    Brighten your smile at Luxurious New Skin Studio, perfectly located at 1101 Kramer Boulevard, Regina, Saskatchewan, for all your teeth whitening needs. Our studio is a destination for those looking to enhance their smile through professional, effective teeth whitening services in a welcoming and refined setting. Easy to access from anywhere in Regina, our location ensures that your path to a brighter smile is both convenient and enjoyable. From the moment you enter our studio, you'll be embraced by an atmosphere that reflects our dedication to providing top-quality care, combining advanced dental cosmetic treatments with the comfort and personal attention you deserve.

Our Services

Whether you're seeking to enhance your natural beauty, address specific skin concerns, or simply indulge in a moment of self-care, our expert team is here to guide you through a personalized experience. Explore our services below and embark on a journey to radiant, healthy skin.

a woman in a yellow sweater is smiling and pointing at her teeth .

Illuminate Your Smile: Book Your Whitening Session Now

Ready to transform your skin and smile into their brightest, most beautiful versions? Our professional teeth whitening service promises significant results in just one session, while our medical facial benefits, including the anti-aging lifting facial, offer a comprehensive approach to enhanced confidence. Using advanced technology and personalized care, we ensure your comfort and satisfaction across all treatments. Say goodbye to stains, fine lines, and sagging skin, and hello to a radiant, confident appearance that lights up the room. Don't wait any longer to embrace the luminous smile and youthful skin you deserve. Contact us today to book your teeth whitening appointment and inquire about the transformative effects of our medical facials. 

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